generate more power, deal with less problems at your site

Solar Gain

Thank to our AI-powered technology you can predict your energy generation by conducting analysis on your grid system, Solar Gain introduce a new era of smart, intelligent and economic energy generation prediction at solar planets. The trick here is to ensure that the electricity produced by your solar system is accurately predicted to supply your grid with reliable energy management options. How does it work? It's very simple: our smart platform learns about your energy generation grid and smartly predicts your expected energy out-put in future.

Install Solar Gain Platform, Save Money, Save Time, increase power generation rate at your site

Plan your energy generation with ease, Our smart platform predicts your generation and continuingly makes sure that your solar planet is performing with proficiency through our fault detection system.

Smart, Intelligent and Simple – Solar Gain is your solar power management solution

Power management at solar planets is now extremely simple: Connect your PV and grid system to our system and have your power generation prediction ready. Benefit from our fault detection system will also help you in your maintenance efforts.

We offer an ultimate solution
for your needs

Solutions for power management

Solutions for Solar planet maintenance

Intelligent Energy generation prediction

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Solar Gain Solution Solar Gain Solution makes your energy generation accurately predicted. Plan and manage your power planet with reliable information.

Solar Gain Solution

Aware. Intelligent. Convenient. Become aware of your power generation rate ahead of time using Solar Gain’s power prediction Solution . We provide you with accurate power generation prediction. The intelligent solutions from Solar Gain are affordable, manageable and reliable.


Save your Money!

Spend less on repairing, apply Solar Gain’s fault detection system to prevent costs!


Go Solar!

Plan and manage your energy with accuracy!

This is How Solar Gain works;

What dose Solar Gain provide for your solar planet?

Predict your power generation…

…to be more accurate with solar power planning and management

…to manage your costs while not reducing you energy generation…..